• Fees & Payment


The Kids’a Castle are a “Not for Profit” organization and therefore we try to keep our fees minimal while still maintaining a level of funding appropriate to the running of a fun filled centre. Unfortunately, there are no half day or hourly rates available.  Please see below for a breakdown of the Fees and Payments at The Kids’ Castle.

An annual, non-refundable membership fee of  $30 per child is charged to every family when they enrol or re-enrol at the Centre each calendar year.



Before and After School Care Session Fees:

Morning Rates

Price per Session

  • $20.00


  • $24.00


Afternoon Rates

Price per Session

  • $24.00


  • $29.00


Direct Debit Fee: $0.80 (Ex GST)

Credit Card Transaction Fee: 2.14% (Ex GST)


Please be aware that any parent who collects their children after 6pm (by the sign out time in our system) will be charged a late fee as set by the Management Committee. Late fees are charged at $15.00 for the first 15 minutes or part thereof, followed by $1.00 per minute thereafter.

This applies even if you are a few minutes late (by the sign out time in our system) for any reason. After three (3) late fees in the one term, your place will be cancelled.

It’s important you let the Centre know if you are running late. Sure, a late fee will still apply but the most important thing is that we’ll be able to explain let your child(ren) why you’re not there yet and so avoid any anxiety.

Our lovely staff have feelings too! So, when we cannot find a child, we worry about them. To avoid the premature aging of our staff, please, notify the centre BEFORE the scheduled start of the session they will be absent from. So that is 7:15 AM or 3:25 PM depending on the session your child is booked in for.

Email the centre or login to Xplor App to mark absence BEFORE the session starts to avoid the non-notification fee. The roll is checked at the start of each session to make sure all children are present. If your child is absent and you haven’t let us know, a non-notification fee of $10.00 will be charged to your account.

If we cannot verify the whereabouts of your child within 45 minutes of the start of the session, we are obliged by law, as mandatory reporters, to call the local Police Station and report a missing child.

Permanent Bookings: You need to advise the Centre in writing giving minimum 2 weeks notice.

Casual Bookings:You need to advise the Centre in writing giving minimum 24 hours notice.


Full session fees applied to booking(s) within the cancellation notice period, regardless of attendance.


The Kids’ Castle (TKC) adheres to legally enforceable staff/child ratios. Consequently, we engage staff to meet these ratios. Casual bookings result in us rostering on extra staff, who we still obliged to pay even if you decide to cancel your booking at the last moment.


Great news! Families attending The Kids’ Castle, can claim the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) if eligible. The information below must be provided when you enroll (or as soon as possible) so we can create an enrolment with Centrelink:

  • Guardian registered to receive CCS
  • This person’s CRN
  • This person’s DOB
  • Each child’s CRN
  • Each child’s DOB

To find out more about the Childcare Subsidy (CCS), check out our FAQ  page.