• About TKC


We operate onsite at Castle Cove Public School (infants’ site), providing Before and After School Care for children who attend Castle Cove Primary School.

Our centre is an Incorporated Association administered by a Parent Management Committee, on a not-for-profit community basis. The Centre is supported by a Management Committee made up of volunteer parents, who have children attending the centre. We are an approved centre, which gives parents the ability to access Child Care Benefits (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR) as a fee reduction.

We constantly strive to provide the best quality of care for the children who attend our centre by providing a fun and interactive weekly program in a caring and nurturing environment. We have a team of dedicated staff who are both experienced and passionate about working with children.

Before and After School Care

Our Before & After School Care operates Monday – Friday on school days, between the following hours:

Mornings: 7:15am-9:15am
Afternoons: 3:25pm-6:00pm

During Pupil Free Days (first day of 2nd & 3rd term) the Centre opens all day from 7:15am – 6:00pm.

Children also do a range of extra curriculum activities like drama, swimming and music. If your child does participate in these activities, the staff of TKC are happy to walk them and pick them up from the activities based in the school grounds or swimming centre.

Children are offered a range of “self-selection” resources and equipment during the morning and afternoon sessions where they can make their own choices as to what activities they would like to do. This encourages independence and promotes good self-esteem. (all very Vygotskian/Constructivist)

Homework or additional learning

Homework is an optional extra, if you wish for your child to do a little extra work, please chat to Roy and see what can be done.  But please remember, that our staff will not be held accountable for any incomplete homework.

Snacks not meals

The centre is committed to healthy eating and regularly reviews the menu to ensure that the children enjoy a mouthwatering range of well-balanced snacks. All food is prepared and stored in a hygienic manner and our team regularly undertake accredited Food and Hygiene training. Parents are encouraged to share family and multicultural food ideas for the children to enjoy. Children have easy access to fresh drinking water, all the time at the centre.

Children attending Before School Care will be offered a light breakfast between 7:15am and 8:30am.

During After School Care the children will receive a variety of nutritious snacks including fresh fruit.

Dietary requirement

If your child has any dietary requirements, please speak with our Centre Director.


Anaphylaxis is the most acute and serious form of allergy. Approximately 1 in 200 individuals will experience such a reaction. Nuts are responsible for many such reactions. For this reason the Centre is a “Nut Free Zone”. Peanut butter and other nut-based products are not provided and should not be sent with the child for Before or After School Care.

Children with Special Needs

Our centre caters for children with special needs and is able to access Inclusion Support for these children in some situations.

4, 5, 6 Club

Once a week, we have our 4, 5, 6 Club where the children in Year 4, 5, 6 participate in older children’s activities. Some of the activities that may happen are Cafe visits, Library Visits, Pizza Days and Holly St Oval visits, this group is always supervised by a competent staff member and permission forms must be filled out prior to starting in the group.